Miracle Carpets exclusive hot water extraction method removes the toughest, deepest dirt safely and gently.  Hot, soft water and a specially formulated cleaning solution are injected deep within the carpet fibers.  Then, a powerful suction extracts deep-down dirt, allergens, cleaning solution and 95% of the moisture.  It’s the cleaning method most recommended by carpet manufacturers. On average, it will take approximately 20 minutes per room. This time can vary greatly depending on how soiled the carpet is, and any necessary spot removal treatments

Preparing for your Carpet Cleaning Appointment:

Please help us by preparing in the following ways:

  • We will require the use of a water faucet. 
  • We will remove and return small home furnishings(with the exception of very large, heavy items and multimedia or electronic equipment) , we ask that you remove all breakables and other items from the carpet. 
  • Vacuuming is not required but we do recommend it. 
  • Typical carpet will dry within a day.  During this time we recommend keeping small children and pets off the carpet as well as shoes that can transfer soil to the clean carpet.  
  • Please refrain from rearranging any furniture for at least 48 hours after cleaning.